
LanguageExt.Core Effects Eff Eff no runtime


Sub modules


record Eff <A> (Eff<MinRT, A> effect) Source #

Transducer based effect/Eff monad


type RT

Runtime struct

type A

Bound value type


method Fin<A> Run (MinRT env) Source #

Invoke the effect

method Fin<A> Run (EnvIO envIO) Source #

Invoke the effect

method Fin<A> Run () Source #

Invoke the effect

method Eff<A> Timeout (TimeSpan timeoutDelay) Source #

Cancel the operation if it takes too long


param timeoutDelay

Timeout period


An IO operation that will timeout if it takes too long

method Eff<A> Pure (A value) Source #

Lift a value into the Eff monad

method Eff<A> Fail (Error error) Source #

Lift a failure into the Eff monad

method Eff<A> Lift (Func<MinRT, Either<Error, A>> f) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<A> Lift (Func<MinRT, Fin<A>> f) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<A> Lift (Func<MinRT, A> f) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<A> LiftIO (Func<MinRT, Task<A>> f) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<A> LiftIO (Func<MinRT, Task<Fin<A>>> f) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<A> LiftIO (Func<MinRT, IO<A>> f) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<A> LiftIO (IO<A> ma) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<A> Lift (Func<Either<Error, A>> f) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<A> Lift (Func<Fin<A>> f) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<A> Lift (Func<A> f) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<A> LiftIO (Func<Task<A>> f) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<A> LiftIO (Func<Task<Fin<A>>> f) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<ForkIO<A>> Fork (Option<TimeSpan> timeout = default) Source #

Queue this IO operation to run on the thread-pool.


param timeout

Maximum time that the forked IO operation can run for. None for no timeout.


Returns a ForkIO data-structure that contains two IO effects that can be used to either cancel the forked IO operation or to await the result of it.

method Eff<B> Map <B> (Func<A, B> f) Source #

Maps the Eff monad if it's in a success state


param f

Function to map the success value with


Mapped Eff monad

method Eff<B> Select <B> (Func<A, B> f) Source #

Maps the Eff monad if it's in a success state


param f

Function to map the success value with


Mapped Eff monad

method Eff<A> MapFail (Func<Error, Error> f) Source #

Maps the Eff monad if it's in a success state


param f

Function to map the success value with


Mapped Eff monad

method Eff<B> MapIO <B> (Func<IO<A>, IO<B>> f) Source #

Maps the inner IO monad


param f

Function to map with


Mapped Eff monad

method Eff<B> BiMap <B> (Func<A, B> Succ, Func<Error, Error> Fail) Source #

Mapping of either the Success state or the Failure state depending on what state this Eff monad is in.


param Succ

Mapping to use if the Eff monad if in a success state

param Fail

Mapping to use if the Eff monad if in a failure state


Mapped Eff monad

method Eff<B> Match <B> (Func<A, B> Succ, Func<Error, B> Fail) Source #

Pattern match the success or failure values and collapse them down to a success value


param Succ

Success value mapping

param Fail

Failure value mapping


IO in a success state

method Eff<A> IfFail (Func<Error, A> Fail) Source #

Map the failure to a success value


param f

Function to map the fail value


IO in a success state

method Eff<A> IfFailEff (Func<Error, Eff<A>> Fail) Source #

Map the failure to a new IO effect


param f

Function to map the fail value


IO that encapsulates that IfFail

method Eff<A> Filter (Func<A, bool> predicate) Source #

Only allow values through the effect if the predicate returns true for the bound value


param predicate

Predicate to apply to the bound value>


Filtered IO

method Eff<A> Where (Func<A, bool> predicate) Source #

Only allow values through the effect if the predicate returns true for the bound value


param predicate

Predicate to apply to the bound value>


Filtered IO

method Eff<B> Bind <B> (Func<A, Eff<B>> f) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param f

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<B> Bind <B> (Func<A, IO<B>> f) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param f

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<B> Bind <B> (Func<A, Gets<MinRT, B>> f) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param f

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<Unit> Bind (Func<A, Put<MinRT>> f) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param f

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<Unit> Bind (Func<A, Modify<MinRT>> f) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param f

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<RT, B> Bind <RT, B> (Func<A, Eff<RT, B>> f) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param f

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<RT, B> Bind <RT, B> (Func<A, K<Eff<RT>, B>> f) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param f

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<B> Bind <B> (Func<A, K<Eff, B>> f) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param f

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<B> Bind <B> (Func<A, Pure<B>> f) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param f

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<A> Bind (Func<A, Fail<Error>> f) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param f

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, Eff<B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param bind

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<RT, C> SelectMany <RT, B, C> (Func<A, Eff<RT, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param bind

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<RT, C> SelectMany <RT, B, C> (Func<A, K<Eff<RT>, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param bind

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, K<Eff, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param bind

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, Pure<B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param bind

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, IO<B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param bind

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, Gets<MinRT, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param bind

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<C> SelectMany <C> (Func<A, Modify<MinRT>> bind, Func<A, Unit, C> project) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param bind

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<C> SelectMany <C> (Func<A, Put<MinRT>> bind, Func<A, Unit, C> project) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param bind

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, Fail<Error>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param bind

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<C> SelectMany <C> (Func<A, Guard<Error, Unit>> bind, Func<A, Unit, C> project) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param bind

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<C> SelectMany <C> (Func<A, Guard<Fail<Error>, Unit>> bind, Func<A, Unit, C> project) Source #

Monadic bind operation. This runs the current Eff monad and feeds its result to the function provided; which in turn returns a new Eff monad. This can be thought of as chaining IO operations sequentially.


param bind

Bind operation


Composition of this monad and the result of the function provided

method Eff<S> Fold <S> ( Schedule schedule, S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder) Source #

Fold the effect forever or until the schedule expires

method Eff<S> Fold <S> ( S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder) Source #

Fold the effect forever

method Eff<S> FoldUntil <S> ( Schedule schedule, S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<(S State, A Value), bool> predicate) Source #

Fold the effect until the predicate returns true

method Eff<S> FoldUntil <S> ( Schedule schedule, S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<S, bool> stateIs) Source #

Fold the effect until the predicate returns true

method Eff<S> FoldUntil <S> ( Schedule schedule, S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<A, bool> valueIs) Source #

Fold the effect until the predicate returns true

method Eff<S> FoldUntil <S> ( S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<(S State, A Value), bool> predicate) Source #

Fold the effect until the predicate returns true

method Eff<S> FoldUntil <S> ( S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<S, bool> stateIs) Source #

Fold the effect until the predicate returns true

method Eff<S> FoldUntil <S> ( S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<A, bool> valueIs) Source #

Fold the effect until the predicate returns true

method Eff<S> FoldWhile <S> ( Schedule schedule, S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<(S State, A Value), bool> predicate) Source #

Fold the effect while the predicate returns true

method Eff<S> FoldWhile <S> ( Schedule schedule, S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<S, bool> stateIs) Source #

Fold the effect while the predicate returns true

method Eff<S> FoldWhile <S> ( Schedule schedule, S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<A, bool> valueIs) Source #

Fold the effect while the predicate returns true

method Eff<S> FoldWhile <S> ( S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<(S State, A Value), bool> predicate) Source #

Fold the effect while the predicate returns true

method Eff<S> FoldWhile <S> ( S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<S, bool> stateIs) Source #

Fold the effect while the predicate returns true

method Eff<S> FoldWhile <S> ( S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<A, bool> valueIs) Source #

Fold the effect until the predicate returns true

method Eff<A> Post () Source #

Make the effect run on the SynchronizationContext that was captured at the start of an Run call.

The effect receives its input value from the currently running sync-context and then proceeds to run its operation in the captured SynchronizationContext: typically a UI context, but could be any captured context. The result of the effect is the received back on the currently running sync-context.

method Eff<RT, A> WithRuntime <RT> () Source #

Convert to an Eff monad with a runtime

method string ToString () Source #

method Eff<A> Success (A value) Source #

Lift a value into the Eff monad

method Eff<A> Effect (Func<A> f) Source #

Lift a synchronous effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<A> EffectMaybe (Func<Fin<A>> f) Source #

Lift a synchronous effect into the Eff monad


operator | (Eff<A> ma, Eff<A> mb) Source #

Run the first IO operation; if it fails, run the second. Otherwise return the result of the first without running the second.


param ma

First IO operation

param mb

Alternative IO operation


Result of either the first or second operation

operator | (Eff<A> ma, Pure<A> mb) Source #

Run the first IO operation; if it fails, run the second. Otherwise return the result of the first without running the second.


param ma

First IO operation

param mb

Alternative value if the IO operation fails


Result of either the first or second operation

operator | (Eff<A> ma, Fail<Error> error) Source #

Run the first IO operation; if it fails, run the second. Otherwise return the result of the first without running the second.


param ma

First IO operation

param error

Alternative value if the IO operation fails


Result of either the first or second operation

operator | (Eff<A> ma, Error error) Source #

Run the first IO operation; if it fails, run the second. Otherwise return the result of the first without running the second.


param ma

First IO operation

param error

Error if the IO operation fails


Result of either the first or second operation

operator | (Eff<A> ma, A value) Source #

Run the first IO operation; if it fails, run the second. Otherwise return the result of the first without running the second.


param ma

First IO operation

param value

Alternative value if the IO operation fails


Result of either the first or second operation

operator | (Eff<A> ma, CatchError<Error> mb) Source #

Run the first IO operation; if it fails, run the second. Otherwise return the result of the first without running the second.


param ma

First IO operation

param mb

Alternative IO operation


Result of either the first or second operation

operator | (Eff<A> ma, CatchError mb) Source #

Run the first IO operation; if it fails, run the second. Otherwise return the result of the first without running the second.


param ma

First IO operation

param mb

Alternative IO operation


Result of either the first or second operation

operator | (Eff<A> ma, CatchError<Exception> mb) Source #

Run the first IO operation; if it fails, run the second. Otherwise return the result of the first without running the second.


param ma

First IO operation

param mb

Alternative IO operation


Result of either the first or second operation

operator | (Eff<A> ma, CatchValue<Error, A> mb) Source #

Run the first IO operation; if it fails, run the second. Otherwise return the result of the first without running the second.


param ma

First IO operation

param mb

Alternative IO operation


Result of either the first or second operation

operator | (Eff<A> ma, CatchValue<Exception, A> mb) Source #

Run the first IO operation; if it fails, run the second. Otherwise return the result of the first without running the second.


param ma

First IO operation

param mb

Alternative IO operation


Result of either the first or second operation

operator | (Eff<A> ma, CatchValue<A> mb) Source #

Run the first IO operation; if it fails, run the second. Otherwise return the result of the first without running the second.


param ma

First IO operation

param mb

Alternative IO operation


Result of either the first or second operation

operator | (Eff<A> ma, CatchM<Eff, A> mb) Source #

Run the first IO operation; if it fails, run the second. Otherwise return the result of the first without running the second.


param ma

First IO operation

param mb

Alternative IO operation


Result of either the first or second operation